Wednesday, 27 May 2009


没有人就没有系统,即使高度自动化系统也是需要人来设计/开发,安装和维护。而人总会犯错, 不论在何时何地。所以人的行为对安全有决定性的作用。因此我们需要一个合理和严格的安全管理系统。一旦安全管理系统建立起来,它可以重复应用到不同的产品,技术开发和工程项目。这就是为什么管理这么‘值钱’。所谓管理嘛,无非就是管钱,管人,管项目流程,和管风险。从安全的角度,钱和风险捆绑在一起,所以只剩下三个:人(多个人也就是组织),安全流程,安全风险(要符合ALARP)。再细分一下:组织上要考虑安全责任和角色分配,职员能力,安全文化与培训,队伍之间的沟通与协调,和第三方组织(如供应商)合作,相关的法律义务和责任等。流程上要考虑如何计划和引入安全周期,采用最佳实践,文档纪录和改变控制等。风险上如何保证风险被足够评估和控制等。




  1. For safety or SHE management, it's important to have a good and robust management system, and it's more important to implement this system. The problem with chinese business or Gov. is actually the implementation. The Gov. agency and SHE department of companies usually have or could have good management systems and procedures, however they are not followed and always given compromise to production or other economic considerations. I suppose this is the fundamental cause of high accident rate in china.

  2. Also for the ALARP principle, a demanding question is what is the measure of reasonable practicable. This is a big issue. I spent lots of time to study this problem last year, and found it is rather difficult to give a reasonable RAC, especially when we are doing business on the global market, for example, a british company operating in china. Another problem is to price human life, some ethic considerations need to be taken into account when using ALARP. Eventhough we claim that the economic value used is a value for saving a potential fatality, we still kind of pricing human life, and the price in China, India is much lower than it is in Europe and North America.

  3. I will talk about these issues in new threads
